Gratitude Journal – Day Two
Right now I am in training as to how to manage my website and social media tools more efficiently. I love this learning curve. I am grateful to my fabulous teacher, Gareth Campbell, the graphic designer, creator and implementer of my website, for teaching me to be more web-savvy. Checkout his work here. I am thankful for work that comes in daily, which enables me to do what I love viz: teaching, performing and mentoring, writing and composing. To the community of creatives, and this circle is huge, who continue to inspire me daily through the sharing of your work, thank you for your continued dreaming through, song, dance, art, film and the written and spoken word. You make this planet an awe-inspiring and magical place to live in. Being human, I am aware that sometimes I may feel alone, but the truth is I am never alone on this journey. I am grateful that there are always fellow travellers opening new doors, pointing impishly to the unknown delights of roads less travelled, igniting my passion with a delicious glint in their eyes and sparking in me imaginative and fresh ways of being present to everything. Each one of you help me see the world anew and teach me how to take life one step at a time . My gratitudes are many.
Thespian Peter Hayes says, “I am here” walking in the arrow of time…
and that in itself is something I am grateful for.